Sunday, March 9, 2008

Wine Gums

I think a lot of people who know me were awaiting this blog. I was in two minds about it as there is self deprecating and there is just asking for ridicule but I finally decided to post it so enjoy...

The other night I was sitting in bed after a hard day at work and was reading the latest Stephen King book (Duma Key) whilst enjoying a bag of Wine Gums.

I reached the end of a chapter and decided to call it a night. So put the book and the bag of Wine Gums on my chest of drawers and hit the hay.

The next morning I discovered one had come out of the bag.

Initially I thought I had shit myself, as of all the places it had melted was... the area of your body that would make you think you had shit yourself...lets leave it at that.

For some reason- instinct maybe (thought I should put something tough sounding like that to distract away from "I got melted wine gum on my balls") but I reached down...there and discovered it was not poo, but a melted red wine gum.

So there we go, I was late for work due to changing clothes, showering...and having to cut it free.

Hope you enjoyed that story folks.

Till next time.

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