Sunday, January 3, 2010


Might as well get this thing off and running with slating some people. 

Since September now I have adopted a positive attitude in life and its been really beneficial in life. Times with friends have been better, work has been more bearable, its just really turned things around for me.

However. There are tests. Like New Years Eve...

I had some friends coming up to the flat that myself and my mate Wayne share. Usual plan of drinks at the flat then going out. Some friends coming up, a couple, were bringing some friends that we didn't know. Fine. More the merrier and that.

So they show up and all is well at the flat. Some people want to go to a bar before the club and that includes this couple and their friends so off they toddle. We shall see them in the club. We normally stand in the same spot.

So we have been in the club for a while and no sign of the couple and the 2 people they brought along. The others who went to a bar first have located us and a good time is being had by all.

The midnight hour is approaching, the end of the year and if you're not too anal about that sort of thing - the end of the decade. An event you want to remember. The countdown starts. The couple (who shall remain nameless throughout this) show up sans their friends for it and dissapear again before it's even done.

At this point I'm thinking it is extracting the urine a little bit that they are not hanging out with us considering they are crashing at our flat. Little rude.

If you thought that was rude. Hold on to your hats. This is where it gets a bit "WTF". The following did all actually happen.

It's been New Years for about 40 minutes now, everyone is continuing to have fun and dance like idiots. Then Wayne gets a text. From half of the couple asking if we have a spare set of keys so they can just go back to the flat. Wayne shows me this, I think he's asking me for my keys, maybe he's feeling unwell. Takes a minute or two for the penny to drop. The whole idea is met with a resounding no. We continue to have fun. And we do till 2am when the night ends. Then we go get Chinese food.

Apparently instead of staying in the warm and comfortable surroundings of the two seating areas they get the keys to another friends car (who, for the record, was with them but hung out with us all night, obviously detecting that their behavior was way out of line) and the 4 of them go and sit in the car till we return. Really. Not making that up.

We get back about 2.50, and I take the cushions from the living room armchairs to use as I was on the floor that night. That bit sounds petty, but was what I was going to do all along. I don't really speak to them, and don't bother getting up the next morning till they have gone.

Was just going to keep all that under my hat, but I see on the all controlling Facebook this morning that the female half of the couple has deleted me. Deleted me. Obviously I am to blame. How dare I take exception to our flat being used as a fucking youth hostel for scene kids.

I try not and let this negativity enter me anymore but it's hard when stuff like that happens. Best thing you can do is just cut those sort of people out of your life and move on. But no way in Hell I was going to move on without having a bit of a release. 

Ah well. Felt good that.

Till next time sports fans.

1 comment:

wisemanthree said...

Always glad to see that people still use the old trick of 'deleting' people as a statement of someone's distaste. I thought it had disappeared, good to see it still being used to this day lol