Sunday, October 2, 2011

Film Review: April Fool's Day (1986)

In a time where films must have been desperately trying to find a original twist on the slasher genre, April Fools Day takes a stab (pun completly intended) and doing something different. And that it does, there is definitely no argument here about that. Sadly though, it's predictable tosh that can't even throw up a decent death.

Muffy St. John (yeah, really, played by Deborah Foreman) invites her friends to her parents mansion during Spring Break, but as time goes on secrets from everyone's past are revealed and then they start dropping like flies. Meanwhile, Muffy is acting more and more unhinged as time goes on...

It's one of the many films that I mentioned in my review of My Bloody Valentine (see here), that is a slasher/day of the year or event film. Being released in 1986, it came after the first glut of these but is still seen as a cult favourite by many. Sadly I can't share this enthusiasm.

Even if I was watching this back when it was released I would have seen it all before, and done better. Not only are all the characters totally unlikable (with the possible exception of Thomas F. Wilson as Arch, but that's only down to the 'Biff from Back To The Future factor'), which is normally a trait I can put up with in horror films seeing as they will get picked off in different, but highly entertaining ways, but not even that happens!

The inability to connect in any way with the characters added to the growing lack of anticipation of any gruesome death scenes only serve to slow the film (which is only your usual 90 minute type thing) even further, and as we all know, when a film that short starts to drag, you know you're in trouble!

The aforementioned death scenes are as dull as the rest of the film, devoid of any tension or excitement, which culminates in a massive cop out for the viewer. I'm sure fans of the film would say that the point of the films ending is that it is a joke on the viewer or something similar, but that doesn't cut the mustard for me. I found the ending rendered a pretty pointless film all the more so, and the fact they bolted on a cop out twist ending was even more redundant.

An unforgivably dull "slasher" movie, which somehow garnered a cult following. Suppose you had to be there. Don't make the same mistake if you can help it...


~ CR@B Howard ~ said...

So it's called April Fools Day and the joke's on us? Boom tish, lol.

I mainly wanted to comment to say: WOW - great new banner; your bro has totally nailed the design! :-D

Thom Downie said...

The joke really was on us, it reminded me of Cry Wolf with Jon Bon Jovi in a way!

And yes, it's all looking how I wanted it now, bit more tinkering to be done, the banner will be a touch smaller also.

My brother did it for me, he's started a little design company :)

Probably going to slightly alter the reviews at some point to list the actors, directors, writers, release date and synopsis before the bulk of the review too. In time anyway.