Wednesday, February 6, 2008


Just not had a lot to write about recently. And its been almost 2 weeks since I've done an entertaining blog, one was me moaning the other was the Beadle thing so I suppose its time to even the playing field and just write something!

Not much has happened in the last week and a bit. Working, going out a couple of times that sort of thing. Well something pretty dramatic happened at work but can't talk about that! Sorry about that.

Other than work its been pretty dull. That whole 'Pushing People Away' blog I did seems to have been voided now anyway, but as I said at the time it's a useful thing to remind the next time I'm about to do something stupid. But I don't know whats happening on that particular subject now.

I was halfway through writing about my Saturday night in Norwich which is a subject almost at odds with what I usually write about on here (meaning I write about random stuff more than what I did at the weekend) but I made a reference to disturbing bars during writing it, and that gave me a better idea on what to write about.

So I deleted all that and am now going to talk to you about Ice.

Ice is what is charitably described as a "nightclub" but its not really. For one its way to small unless its going for a record like The Nutshell in Bury (UK's smallest pub). And its set out more like a bar. Which it what it is basically. But they turn up the music louder than in normal bars so you dance.

Before I go any further I just want to point out I have been in there 3 or 4 times so I'm not just ripping into the place without knowledge of what the place is like.

Problem I have got writing about Ice is I just do not know where to start. There are just so many negative aspects with it.

I'll try and give you some idea. The place is open normally Friday and Saturday nights. These nights pretty much the entire Thetford Police force is deployed outside. There is always trouble. Always. Based on this alone they should shut the place down.

And its not even the music I have a problem with. It runs deeper than that. As I said I have been in there 3 or 4 times. The first few times they were playing just usual "club stuff" and it was horrible. But then the last time (and trust me I mean the LAST TIME) me and my mate went in there and its was supposed to be 80s night.

And they played stuff like 80s cheese that I would normally like and probably have on itunes. But I just couldn't enjoy it in there. My mate Jamie came up with the best word. Shittip.

And people go in there without fail every weekend! Do these people leave Thetford at all? Sometimes I wonder. Theres people in the Snooker Hall where I hang out and you can just tell the sad bastards never leave the town, so I can only imagine what its like in there.

I've heard them sometimes- "Oh yeah heading to Ice later. May go to BURY next week" in a tone of voice that would suggest they are going on a weekend in Vegas instead of 20 minutes up the road. And you know they'll never go through with it...can't leave Thetford!

But back to Ice.

I know a few people that go in there so am going to exclude them from this next bit, as they for the most part dislike the place (but still go in there...hmm....)

But the state of the people go in there. I have not seen anything like it. Imagine a concentration camp with loud music and flashing lights. Thats a typical night at Ice.

You've got the women who are just old and dress like they were 20. And they stand there on the little dancefloor area and just grind. Its vomit inducing. Theres no-one with them. Just there on their own. Obviously left the kids at home alone- its Ok they'll never find the heroin needle stash. And they just try and reclaim their youth. Its pathetic.

And then theres the guys that go there to pull. They make sure to stand out from the pack by wearing striped shirts. And they go after the rough single mums mainly or whatevers moving. Its a disturbing sight.

And don't get me started on the kids that go in there drunk from their alcopops...

And don't get me wrong I'm sure this happens in other clubs in the country but this place isn't a nightclub on the scale of where you normally go its really small so the sights are inescapable. Fucking place used to be a snooker club just to give you a idea of the size. Its also sandwiched between a estate agents and a charity shop.

So thats a sort of overview of Ice. A small bar that will stay open until the inevitable day someones killed outside. And its happened in this town before.

Till next time.


wisemanthree said...

ice is wank. And I don't need to go there to know it - I don't need to take a shot of mangoo in the eye to know that I wouldn't enjoy it.

Needless to say chavs + alcohol = chalcohol, something I despise.

Thom Downie said...

Yeah its a tip. Problem I had writing the blog this time was its hard to put into words how bad the place is lol.