Sunday, April 24, 2011

Film Review: Cheerleader Camp

Or to use it's current title 'Bloody Pom Pom's'.

The title is kind of a giveaway as to what you are going to get in this. A killer picking off scantily clad cheerleaders who are at a training camp? Yep! It was 1988 dammit, most films were like this.

It's easy to pick faults with Cheerleader Camp. The acting is terrible. The writing is terrible. The direction is literally done by a man who went to direct nothing but porn. But good lord it's entertaining. It is truly the definition of 'so bad it's good'.

I was going to use this paragraph to explain the plot. But that sentence about 30 seconds ago about picking off cheerleaders? That was it. Futile attempts at 'comedy' follow, mostly involving a fat guy farting, showing his arse, dressing in drag so he can look at sunbathing cheerleaders or trying to rap.

Hopelessly crap red herrings are thrown up - like the scary (not really) handyman or the silent cook. It is like the director skimmed over the script for Sleepaway Camp and decided it needed more pointless nudity. It even attempts a twist ending, but this is almost signposted throughout the film.

But for all these negatives, it's brilliantly entertaining and is some true 80's horror cheddar.

* (Film Quality)

**** (Entertainment)


*** (Overall)

Apologies for the equation in the rating but you can't give something so entertaining one star, or something so crap 4 stars. We need a medium. Nothing about this film any good, but you can't hate it.

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