Thursday, January 7, 2010


I feel yesterdays post about animal sex was really lacking something. It seemed like a funny thing to write about but I was missing the spark of inspiration that I got when I wrote the blog about Facebook groups. In that instance I couldn't type the shit out fast enough. 

But yesterday it started well and just fell a bit flat, don't know if I rushed it or was just bereft of ideas but it took three attempts to reach a conclusion I liked. Then I got all these other ideas afterwards. Like when you want to say something to someone and you have nothing, then ten minutes later you think of something genius but the time has passed.

It's not that I didn't find elements of the blog amusing. The 'naybe' bit and the phrase "shafted by a unicorn" both made me smirk but it was missing something. Just because I see something that would be good to write about doesn't mean I have to, need some ideas first. Even if we are talking about a bloke being ridden by Seabiscuit.

So in future I shall have a little evaluate before I start typing, because if I start I will feel like I MUST finish and that won't work in the end.

I promise my next blog will be frikkin' hilarious, unless circumstances require a serious one.

Till then.


~ CR@B Howard ~ said...

You could always just hit the 'edit' button - I use that a hell of a lot for typo's and ish.


wisemanthree said...

I think you worry too much.

Thom Downie said...

I did the edit button like 3 times. Still left it unsatisfied lol. I can do better than that!