Thursday, January 3, 2008

Bad Mood

Happy New Years everyone. So far 2008 has been pretty shit for me. New Years Eve was all good but the rest...shit. Just little things annoying me...people things mostly. Just the, not ignorance- whats a step down from that? Well THAT of some people. Selfishness too I guess. I ain't a nasty person and don't like being harsh about people I like but wish some of them would wake up...

Got a huge phone bill this morning too. Ever since I have been with my network they've always 'rolled over' the texts on the contract. For like 2 years. This Meaning huge bill. My contract expires at the start of April (and trust me when I say it will be expiring) so for now I had to get a 'text bolt-on' which while lots less in total is much more than I should be paying.

On the plus side all is going well with my computer - so good to have it back. I know its incredibly geeky but it is. Was supposed to be going down snooker hall last night- didn't in the end but didn't really mind- just sat on here and watched Family Guy and listened to tunes!

Starting my new contract at work this week...meaning I now have Thursdays and Fridays off which is pretty cool I guess. Means 5 days on which I ha vent done in a long time!

Got an amusing work story actually especially if you find incorrect grammar funny.

Never underestimate the dumbness of customers. One thing this blog will be heavy in is tales of the stupidest people I have to deal with (suppose this could count fellow workers too) but yesterdays one while not an extreme case of the dumbs made me chuckle...

I was covering a break in the petrol station and this young lad in McDonald's uniform walks to the till, I didn't serve him but here's what he said to my co-worker...

"I'm going to start working at Brantano soon. Its more quieter...a lot more quieter"

The first time he said it I just smirked to myself but then he had to reiterate it how I suppressed the laughter is beyond me!

Anyways till next time!

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