Sunday, January 6, 2008


I was loath to post this but the total hilarity and irony have overcome any doubt. I had actually already done this once this week but it was just a basic trip. Here's what happened today at work...

I was in the warehouse yard area and I was standing on a palette board. Meanwhile the radio had just started blasting the classic 'Footloose' by Kenny Loggins. To which I started dancing badly to- and to be honest I dare anyone not to it is a toe tapper of excellence!

During the Stevie Wonder-esque dancing I must have managed to catch my feet up in the shrink wrap that surrounded the board and down I went...unable to get a 'foot loose'. Landed hard on concrete and got straight back up before anyone came in!

This man needs to be stopped....

1 comment:

wisemanthree said...

You've done it now, the times this story is gonna be brought up at horrible moments... mwua ha ha ha