Thursday, May 19, 2011

Film Review: Rubber

A film about a serial killer tyre named Robert was never going to make much sense but Quentin Dupieux's Rubber takes a pretty mad premise and makes it even madder.

From the outset where Lieutenant Chad (Stephen Spinella) tells the group of spectators that are about to watch the film (through binoculars, from a distance) that it is all a tribute to things in life and in movies that make no sense, things that happen for no reason. No reason is pretty much adhered to throughout, even when you look past the tyre stalking a young girl and using psycho-kinetic energy to make peoples heads explode.

About halfway through the film, the lieutenant informs his deputies the film is over and none of it is real, that and the spectators watching continue to blur the lines between 'reality' and 'the film'? Why? No reason.

'No reason' makes this a hard film to review, as any negative I find with it can be just explained with those two words. But I did find the film a bit too weird for it's own good. I understood where it was coming from, but it was just a bit too out there for this reviewers palette (which is saying something with some of the films I own.)

When the action is on the tyre, it's entertaining stuff, don't get me wrong, and it was a extremely original idea, with the ending being a very interesting setup for a sequel. But if that happens, I hope the filmmakers drop the "Tribute to no sense" thing, I knew I was watching a film that made no sense the moment I put it on, I don't need it hammered home by a strange subplot the actors voicing opinions of the audience.

An entertaining, but infuriating film. One part gloriously OTT, but when the action isn't on the tyre, well the viewer doesn't need telling how mental it all is.

1 comment:

~ CR@B Howard ~ said...

Still got this one to come from LoveFilm - I had heard about the fourth wall breaking addressing of the audience, but I'm still oddly excited! :-s