Sunday, May 22, 2011

Film Review: Triangle

Another film that I had heard good things about for a while now, and not got round to watching is Triangle, a joint UK and Australia starring Melissa George. She plays Jess, a single mother to an autistic child. A friend invites her and some others for a day of sailing, but after a freak storm leaves one of them dead and the rest capsized, help comes their way when an ocean liner appears. But all is not what it seems.

Triangle is another one of those films that it doesn't pay to reveal too much about, other than the preceding paragraph, so will keep things as concise and spoiler free as possible.

It's a decent enough little film, not as mind blowing as reviews I read suggested (whatever is though?) but it kept me watching for it's trim 99 minute running time. And for a film that is full of twists and turns and a plot where you really have to pay close attention, its admirable it was condensed into so short a span, and didn't seem at all rushed.

George is good as Jess, and a last act reveal about her makes the character a lot more interesting and sets up the finale perfectly (the fact she spends the bulk of the film running around in denim shorts was also something this reviewer was cool with.)

But overall, its an original, entertaining film that kept this reviewer occupied, but I don't think it's one I'd watch again. Maybe it's because once you know what's on the ocean liner it would lose something second viewing, or maybe it's because it just wasn't up there with the hype.

A decent enough psychological horror with all the tense moments you'd like and an engaging performance from Melissa George, with a great ending. But once you've seen it, you've seen it. Worth a rental.

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